“Vi que la cámara podía ser un arma contra la pobreza, contra el racismo, contra todo tipo de males sociales. En ese momento supe que tenía que tener una cámara “.- Gordon Parks
“Vi que la cámara podía ser un arma contra la pobreza, contra el racismo, contra todo tipo de males sociales. En ese momento supe que tenía que tener una cámara “.- Gordon Parks
Cuando empece a buscar algunos artículos relacionados con el tema del cual os voy a hablar hoy, (para inspirarme) encontré: mundo sin humanos, mundo sin coches, mundo sin niños, mundo sin fronteras, mundo sin gente…. No encontré ningún articulo en 4 paginas de google donde se hablaría de „ el mundo sin imágenes”
Previously, photography used to be the two-step process – 1 was taking the photo and 2 was developing and printing the photos. With the digital photography and computers, this second one has been lost. Now we take the photos, we transfer them to the computer, we edit them in Photoshop, then we publish them on social media and finally we save them on hard drives where they will be lost among thousands of photos that we have been taking and saving for the last few years.
Aprender online es una tendencia que ha ido tomando fuerza desde ya unos anos. No es nada nuevo que hoy aprender ingles de un profesor nativo que esta en su casa en Estados Unidos.
Today I would like to tell you about visual culture and why it is so important to see the work of other photographers.
I present you my newest interview about my documentary project from Uganda “Children of God”.
Why I photograph people at 7 in the morning. Here is the answer
My first family reportage in Castelldefels. How it went? How do I find families who might be interested in a family documentary photoshoot ? First thought – Can I ask on groups on Facebook?
According to what Harari in his book Homo Deus says, today humanity no longer dies on pandemics, epidemics or other contagious diseases. I don’t mean we do not die. I mean- we don’t die in large numbers like it was in the XX and XIX century
Familia Hormigo is my first family who let me to enter their home, photograph everything they do, their facial expressions, every smile, every affection.
Catalunya is on fire!! Since few days there are big protests in Barcelona and in cities around. What’s happening there? Let me explain You.
Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus.